Kennel news:


National all breeds dog show "Amber Cup 2024", Liepaja(LV)
      judge Paul Lawless (Ireland)

Astra Bravissimo Belmondo/open class/ - exc 1, CQ, BD-2
Astra Bravissimo Dea/junior class/ - exc 1, PP, Jun BOB, BB-2                                                  owner Aija Kraujina


National all breeds dog show "Liepaja Winner 2024", Liepaja (LV)
      judge Harry Tast (Finland)
Astra Bravissimo Belmondo/open class/ - exc 2,CQ, BB-2   


Wonderful news!!! Finally we welcomed!!! The Astra Bravissimo 3K litter is here!!!

On the 65th day of pregnancy, Astra Bravissimo Ulula gave birth to babies - 2 boys, black and gray and 2 isabella colored girls.


Latvian Sighthounds club show"Baltic Sighthond'24", Durbes castl, Latvia, judge Jenna Leino (Finland)

ASTRA BRAVISSIMO BELMONDO/intemedia class/ - exc 1, CQ, BD-2, CAC

ASTRA BRAVISSIMO UMBERTO/open class/ - exc 3                                                                                                                                                                                                      owner Olena Ekshtein


ASTRA BRAVISSIMO DEA/junior class/ - exc 1, PP, JCAC, Baltic Sighthound'24 Junior Winner, Junior BOB, BB-4, SBIS Junio-4                                                and  closed the Latvian Junior Champion title                                                                                                                                                                                                                   owner Aija Kraujina
ASTRA BRAVISSIMO TIFFANY/champion class/ - exc 1, CQ, BB-1, Baltic Sighthound'24 Winner, BOO, SBIS BOO-3 
Kennel competition , judge Alain Dumortier (France)



Today the stork is visiting us again. A very beautiful couple - Vasuru Taffi's Coral Blue and Vitruvians Benita had 5 gray babies - 2 boys and 3 girls. There are no wires for the babies yet, but it will be an Astra Bravissimo "J" litter.


International Dog Show (Cruft's qualification), Riga(Latvia),
      judge Salvatore Tripoli (Italia)
Astra Bravissimo Ultramarinus/open class/ - exc 1, CQ, BD-1, CAC, CACIB,BOO   

Astra Bravissimo Tiffany/champion class/ - exc 2, CQ, BB-2, R.CACIB


National all breeds dog show "Reto Trophy 2024", Ramava (LV)
      judge Paula Rekiranta (Finland)
Astra Bravissimo Dea/junior class/ - exc 1, PP, Jun CAC,BB-1, BOB, BIG-3                                                                                                                                                   owner Aija Kraujina


National all breeds dog show , Talsi (LV)
      judge Svante Frisk (Sweden)
Astra Bravissimo Dea/junior class/ - exc 1, PP, Jun CAC,BB-2                                                                                                                                                    owner Aija Kraujina


International dog show , Riga(LV)
      judge Svetlana Kokonena (LV)

Astra Bravissimo Belmondo/intermedia class/ - exc 2,CQ,BD-2,CAC, Res.CACIB          

Astra Bravissimo Dea/junior class/ - exc 3                                                                          owner Aija Kraujina

Astra Bravissimo Tiffany/champion class/ - exc 3, CQ, BB-5


International dog show , Riga(LV)
      judge Inga Cerbule (LV) 

Astra Bravissimo Dea/junior class/ - exc 3                                                                          owner Aija Kraujina

       Astra Bravissimo Tiffany/champion class/ - exc 2, CQ, BB-4


International dog show "Kaunas Winner 2024", Kaunas (LT)
      judge Kimmo Mustonen (FIN)
Astra Bravissimo Tiffany/champion class/ - exc,LT CAC,BB-1,CACIB,W,BOB and BIG-4


Today, another addition to the kennel - Astra Bravissimo Meredith gave birth to 3 lovely boys - HARRISON in black, HAMILTON in isabella color and HEMINGWAY in gray color.


National dog show "Amber Winter 2023", Liepaja (LV)
      judge Refet Hadžič(BA)
Astra Bravissimo Zoltan/intermedia class/ - exc,CQ,CAC,BD-1,BOB and BIG-2
     Owner Evisa Vosa-Medne


WORD CUP SIGHTHOUND, Kasztanowy Palas, Swadzim, Poland,            judge Inigo Garcia Monedero (ES) 

ASTRA BRAVISSIMO ULULA/open class/  - ecx/ 3 from 7


    41.Poland Sighthound Club show, 

Kasztanowy Palas, Swadzim, Poland,                                                                      judge Maciej Lipiec (PL)                                                                  
ASTRA BRAVISSIMO ULULA/open cl./  - ecx/3  from 7

    Sighthoud National show                                                                   Kasztanowy Palas, Swadzim, Poland,                                                                     judge Frederic Maison (FR)

ASTRA BRAVISSIMO ULULA/open cl./  - ecx/1 from 7


Latvian Sighthound club show "Club Winner 2023", Durbe Castle,Latvia,
     judge  Yves-Emmanuel Vilanova (Francija)

ASTRA BRAVISSIMO ZOLTAN/junior class/ - v.g. 

ASTRA BRAVISSIMO ULULA/open class/ - exc/1, CQ, BB-2 

ASTRA BRAVISSIMO ZOYEE/open class/ -  v.g.

ASTRA BRAVISSIMO IVY/champion class/ -  Exc/ 3

Kennel competition - BIS-2

Competition "Elegance in Durbes Palace"  -  3 vieta


Today our princess Tiffany gave birth to 3 wonderful babies - 1 black boy and 2 light Isabella girls.